About Matchai Matcha

Japanese Matcha  Value

  Japanese have been enjoying Matcha for centuries and much like wine certain geographic areas are treasured more than others for producing higher quality ceremonial grade Matcha, Japan has the most sought after Matcha compared to the rest of countries who supply Matcha. China also produces Matcha but their process is not as intense as the Japanese. Chinese do not steam the freshly picked Green Tea leaves that will be milled into Matcha powder like Japanese do.       

   The Japanese take Tea drinking to another level. They keep the best Matcha for special ceremonial occasions. Hence, Ceremonial Grade Matcha becomes the highest valued and most sought after. Usually the first harvest from the  younger plants will surrender the best green tea leaves for milling into Matcha.     



  By shading the leaves (for 2 to 6 weeks it varies from farm to farm) the leaves are able to keep more moisture and therefore create more chlorophyll, L-Theanine and other nutrients, hence, a greener leaf. Japanese will steam their green tea leaves prior to drying process and then mill the leaves into a soluble powder state. The powder is quickly contained in a cool dry environment to maintain the attributes that give it the flavor and health benefits.

 Ceremonial grade comes from youngest plants at first harvest. The first harvest yields a more nutrient rich better tasting, hence, higher grade product because of the lower temperatures and less dehydration. Every plantation will have their subtle differences on how they procure and contain the freshness. The concept is to have a soft pliable vibrant green leaf with just the right amount of moisture retention, when milled, produce a slightly sweet (not bitter) leaf for ceremonial consumption . Older plants and later harvest will produce what is referred to as culinary grade Matcha where you will get more of a bitter quality and therefore not as valuable, but still very good. Whatever Grade suits you, the health benefits will keep you coming back for more.                    


  To prepare Matchai Matcha (1 tsp) should be dissolved in small bowl with 2-3 oz hot (not boiling) water by gently whisking to create a slight foam on top. Continue to add water ( up to 8OZ total) whisking in a zigzag motion to aerate the powder (Boiling water will scorch the powder resulting in less than optimal results). Water temp should between 72-76 degrees C. Pour into mug and enjoy!     

  Drinking Matchai Matcha you are taking in all of the Green Tea nutrients as opposed to just steeping the leaves and receiving up to 10 times as many nutrients as drinking steeped Green tea.     



    Matcha is quickly becoming the healthy beverage of choice and for good reason. This powerful drink delivers the goods when it comes to health maintenance including cognitive rejuvenation, metabolism boost, detoxifying affects .

People are replacing coffee with Matcha because the caffeine metabolizes slower due to L-Theanine amino acid that stabilizes the release of caffeine.  

 L-Theanine is attributed with creating alertness and memory repair among other things. Matcha has 5 times more L-Theanine than other teas because we ingest the actual tea leaf. 

 To be sure, Matcha is really that magical elixir that cures all that ails you. This time there is plenty of proof backing this elixir up. I think it is here to stay. 


     Storage of our Matcha should be in a cool ( under 20 C, 70 F ) dry area in airtight containers. Matcha is sensitive to moisture and light. To keep your Matcha fresh tasting we suggest you keep it a similar environment and once opened do not keep it too long ( 2 months or less) .  


      All Our Matcha is sourced from Kyoto Japan through Hibiki-an Green Tea farm. We hope you enjoy our Matcha the natural goodness it has to offer just like we do.....Thanks!