Tea and my Wife

Tea and my Wife

  As you can see by the title of this piece my wife was my inspiration to all of this. She was the one interested in being healthy and drinking tea and more importantly, discovering Matcha. By now there is tons of content on the web about the benefits of Matcha and mixtures of Chai.  However,I want to talk about my journey and how it affected me personally and where I have developed this passion so much so that I wanted to share this product with everyone, regardless of the fact that there are numerous similar choices on the internet I believe our products are as good as anything you can find online or elsewhere. After much research we have procured Japanese Tea Producer HIBIKI-AN, we believe is the best. 

My name is Al Glencross and I married a woman (originally from India) who has showed me value of nutrition and how to listen to your body. My wife has been battling digestive issues all her life looking for the right combination of food, nutrients, vitamins, anything that would give her consistent relief. Of coarse she has been to doctors and tried medications, exercises, watches her diet, you name it, she has tried it. After going through every seemingly possible solution to her digestive issue she has always come back to her Black Tea . For her, this was what helped the most. 

    About 2 years ago, after hearing about all the health benefits associated with Green tea my wife said I should try Matcha, which is tea that you actually ingest. I was having issues sleeping, focusing, low energy, etc..  I tried it, and it was awesome. I was fortunate enough to buy High Grade Ceremonial Matcha first, after trying lower grade I realized its bitterness may have turned me off completely. Now I have more energy, sleep better, think better, just feel better overall. Of course, I am also more aware of nutrition in general as a result of the research I did with Matcha Powder/ Green Tea and as a result my diet has changed as well.  

  I am a Matcha user and I love it. Coffee is a thing of the past and I am getting the rest of my friends and family to convert to Matcha Powder ( I will update progress as we go along). It is a little more expensive than coffee but the benefits are worth it.           

   As you can see my wife was my inspiration to all of this. She was the one interested in being healthy and drinking Tea and more importantly, discovering Matcha. By now there is tons of content on the web about the benefits of Matcha and mixtures of Chai.  I want to talk about my journey and how it affected me personally and where I have developed this passion so much so that I wanted to share this product with everyone, regardless of the fact that there are numerous similar choices on the internet I believe our products are as good as anything you can find online or elsewhere. After 2 years of research we have procured Japanese producer HIBIKI-AN, we believe is the best.